More Detailed About Reading English Passage

As we have already discussed in the previous session that university students are expected to be able to comprehend English passages focusing on scientific writings. To do that you must possess a lot of vocabularies. One way you can apply to enrich vocabulary is by recording your voice then listen many times. The more often you spend your time to listen, the more vocabulary that you might have. Besides it, this is also an effective way to save information in our long-term memory – a phase that can save information in years.

Of several  previously essential notes, writing Indonesian summary is the most important one. Writing summary means you just review the main points of the whole passage. It is a bit different with translation. If you are asked to translate a passage, you will start doing it from the first line until the last. Sometimes you will get in trouble to translate if there are some new vocabularies in it. Remember, there are two ways to translate a phrase, sentence, or a paragraph. 1) You translate word by words. 2) You just take the real meaning. In addition, if it is necessary, you may add or reduce certain words to make your translation good.

It is true that before you write the summary, you had better translate first. However, even though you find some new vocabularies, it is possible to write the summary. Remember, you must follow instruction if any.

Take a look at the following example,

A business is an organization that produces goods or services to make profit. Business may be divided into goods producing and service producing firms. There are four factors of production which include machinery, building, tools, and means of transportation. To produce goods and services in the private enterprise system, the four factors of production are obtained from the individuals owning the business in exchange for income.

Human element is the core of business. Business needs people as owners, managers, and consumers. People need business for the production of goods and services and the creation of job opportunities. The person who is in charge of operating the business is called a manager. The manager can be either the owner or the professional one employed by the owner. A professional manager attempts to achieve the objectives of the business by utilizing all resources. Moreover, the employees supply the skills and abilities to provide a product or service. In return, they expect to receive wage or salary for the use of their skills and abilities. In addition, the target of a business is consumer. A consumer is a person or business who or which purchases goods or service for personal or organization use. The consumer, in an economic system, wants better goods and services. Therefore, a business enterprise tries to satisfy such needs and desire or wants. The most common motive in setting up a business is profit-oriented by taking its risk. Profit or surplus income is calculated from total sales minus total cost of production. However, running a business does not always produce profit but sometimes a business may suffer from losses.

Write Indonesian summary around 70 – 100 words.

Indonesian Summary:

Wacana tersebut menjelaskan bahwa para pekerja yang merupakan elemen terpenting  dalam dunia bisnis, bekerja dengan menghasilkan barang atau jasa untuk mendapatkan imbalan yang disebut dengan gaji atau upah. Orang yang paling bertanggung jawab dalam menjalankan sebuah usaha adalah manajer. Dia harus menggunakan seluruh faktor-faktor produksi untuk menghasilkan produk yang mampu memenuhi keinginan dan kebutuhan para konsumen sekaligus memperoleh keuntungan. Ada dua jenis usaha, pertama, usaha yang menghasilkan barang dan kedua, adalah jenis usaha yang menghasulkan jasa. Kedua jenis usaha tersebut membuka kesempatan kerja bagi yang membutuhkan. Terakhir dijelaskan bahwa semua jenis usaha besar atau kecil selalu mengandung risiko.

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