For a beginner on presentation, it is better to make a draft of presentation prior to the real time standing in front of people. He should prepare the three main parts of presentation starting from introduction, body and conclusion.

Here below, several drafts are available.

1.   Good morning everyone. My name is Arthuro. My registration number is two  thousand eleven twelve zero forty six. I come from faculty of Economics majoring management. This morning I’d like to talk about the importance of having marketing strategy for a new consumer product. It is important because it will greatly increase your chances of success. I’ll be talking about three things: First, conducting market research, then designing the product and finally having a sales campaign. If your product has a good design but is not what your customers want, then no one will be interested to buy it. Therefore, you have to find out the type of product people want before designing it. There are two ways you can conduct research. First, you can mail out questionnaires to people’s home. Second, you can survey people at stores and shopping centers. After that, when designing a new product you have to consider both customers want and production costs. If you know what type of product your customers want but production costs are too high, you will lose money if you try to make it. Therefore, you have to be able to design a product people want and keep production cost down. In order to get people interested in your new product you should have a sales campaign. There are three major methods of reaching your customers: TV / Radio, newspapers and direct mailings. Finally, several months before your new product is ready for sale, you should begin running commercials on TV introducing it to people. I’ve talked about three important strategies in marketing new product, they are: conducting research to determine what people want, designing products based on customer wants and having sales campaign to get people interested in buying the product. If you follow these three steps, your chances of success will be greatly increased. Thank you for listening.

2.  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. First of all, let me thank you all for being here today. I’m glad that so many of you could come, especially since I know that this time of the year is probably the busiest for you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Don Taylor. I’m the head of logistics here at Air Spares. Logistics is a centre of competency dedicated to providing you with the spare parts you need, precisely when you need them. I’m here today to present our new semiautomatic shelving system. My talk is particularly relevant to those of you who place orders for the different parts we supply.

3.  OK, shall we get started? Hello everyone. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Charlotte Best from IT. I’m a team leader. I’m happy that so many of you could make it today at such short notice. I know that you’re all extremely busy at the moment, so I’d like to start with my presentation right away. As you can see on the screen, our topic today is project documentation. We’re going to look closely at drafting, storing, archiving as well as accessing documents in our new SAP system. We’ll also examine the much improved handling of all project documentation as well as user rights. This is extremely important for all of us who are directly involved in international project management, right? You don’t need me to spell it out … if it isn’t documented, it doesn’t exist.

4.  Thanks, Jim. OK. As you probably know, we are 15 currently having difficulties with our new men’s cosmetic line. These problems lie chiefly with our main bottle supplier, but we are also having trouble with distribution. I’d like to quickly identify the problems and then make some suggestions on how we can deal with the consequences. So, let’s start with our bottle supplier then ………We’ve been having serious difficulties with GSG, which is our main plastic bottle supplier, regarding both quantity and quality. We don’t understand why, but they don’t seem to be able to supply the quantities we order from them. In addition, the quality of the material is so poor that we have had to return about 40% of the bottles. We’ve been trying to cope with these problems — the delays, the poor quality — all along, but so far we’ve not been able to find ways to prevent them from happening again. It’s clear we can no longer continue to accept these conditions. Moreover, we’re now getting ready for the Christmas season. If we don’t solve our supply problems within the next two weeks, we’ll run into serious trouble with respect to our Christmas business. Let’s move on to distribution. Here the problem lies with……

5 Thank you. Well, let’s get started. As many of you will know, Professor Belbin’s categorisation of team roles is still widely used. But the way companies view teams is beginning to shift. Professor Belbin viewed the team as a whole made up of individuals, where the success of the team relies on the individual elements performing their roles. Belbin’s approach is valid because it enables people to understand themselves and others as team members. It increases the team’s overall knowledge of how the team is constructed. But we would argue that effective team working emerges from a combination of individual and collective competencies, or abilities. We are all aware of teams made up of highly competent individuals that fail to perform as a team. The task is to develop teams of competent individuals to perform collectively. So, our research looked at which collective competencies were required to bring about effective performance. We looked at a variety of teams, including project teams, work groups, football teams and jazz bands. The study identified a number of differences between teams in terms of structure and stability. Business teams, for instance, are often ad hoc creations formed to address a short-term need, whereas an orchestra or a rugby team are more stable. But even very short-lived teams share generic characteristics with stable ones. We looked at jazz musicians in jam sessions, where individuals come together for a one-off performance. Although bonding might not be expected to be significant in such transient teams, we found that the jazz musicians sought to establish a level of social integration. We also developed a model for assessing the effectiveness of a team as a collective. The model takes into consideration the relationships between individuals – the links that hold the team together. It identifies 16 distinct competencies that are crucial to team effectiveness. These competencies are divided into four clusters, or groups, known as: enabling; resourcing; fusing and motivating. I’ll explain these shortly … Using the new framework, it is possible to identify where a team might be strengthened. The best news for managers is that team spirit will not necessarily be improved by spending the night on the side of a mountain in Scotland. Moving on now to….

as a matter of fact you can build your draft by your own style. However the four examples above can help you to perform it.

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