Job interview means asking ans answering question dealing with jab vacancy. Someone who  asks questions is called interviewer and someone who will answer them is called interviewee or applicant.  As we have already discussed in the previous session that sending application is not applying job, but asking an opportunity to face job interview. That is why an applicant, in his application, must be able to convince the employer that s/he is the right candidate to face job interview.

Some applicants get stressful on job interview, but some others have different point of view. However, If the applicants know what they have to do on job interview and make good preparation, job interview can be an interesting moment, because  this is the final step to get job or promoted.

In order to be well-prepared on job interview, an interviewee had better identify all possible questions and prepare the answers. There are two classifications of questions on it: first, general questions and second, specific questions. General questions will be asked to all interviewees while specific questions deal with skill and competency.

Here are some general questions:

  • Please tell me your family background.
  • What’s your last education?
  • How did you get this vacancy?
  • What is your motivation to work here?
  • Please tell me your work experience relating to this position.
  • Why did you quit your previous job?
  • Who is your favorite figure?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • Do you like working overtime?
  • What is your weakness?
  • How much salary do you expect?
  • learn more questions on your Business English Module, Page 43.


For any job interviewee, it is important to be well prepared to face the interview and impress the interviewer from the moment you arrive. Here are some tips on how you can make the right impression.

Tip 1: Look the Part

  • Plan to dress professionally in conservative clothing with appropriate shoes, minimal jewelry, and perfume. Even if the office is casual, you should dress in business attire.

Tip 2: Before the Interview

  • Bring a portfolio with extra copies of your resume, a list of references, and a notepad and pen. Use a breath mint before you enter the building. Leave the gadgets at home or turned off in your bag or briefcase.

Tip 3: Arrive on Time

  • Arrive a few minutes early for your interview. It is very important to be on time for the interview. On time means ten to fifteen minutes early. Know the interviewer’s name and use it during the interview. If you’re not sure of the name, call and ask prior to the interview. When you arrive for your interview, greet the receptionist and let him or her know why you are there.
  • Be on time. It’s best to get there a little early to allow time in case you get lost and need to fix your clothes and hair.

Tip 4: Answer Questions Calmly

  • During the interview try to remain as calm as possible. Ask for clarification if you are not sure what has been asked and remember that it is perfectly acceptable to take a moment or two to frame your responses so you can be sure to fully answer the question.
  • Make a list of questions beforehand to ask the interviewer.

Tip 5: Ask Questions About the Job

  • Be prepared with questions of your own, because you will probably be asked if you have any at the end of the interview. Having questions will show that you have done your homework and are truly interested in the position.
  • Be prepared. Know as much about the company and the job as possible and know why you’re the person they should hire. Practice answering possible questions.

Tip 6: Follow Up                                                  

  • Ask your interviewer for a business card so that you will have the correct spelling of names and job titles for your thank you notes and follow up calls. It is important to thank the interviewer for their time and to let them know that you look forward to hearing from them. Follow up by sending a thank you note to everyone you interviewed with.

Tip 7 :  Miscellaneous

  • Give a firm handshake when greeting the interviewer and when saying good-bye.
  • Maintain eye contact.
  • Be confident and try to act as calmly as possible.
  • Be honest.


Sometimes an interviewer portrays cases or problems to an interviewee in order to find out more detail information about applicant’s character and ability.

Here two examples

1.  Imagine that you are offered a perfect job. The salary is more than you expected; the responsibilities are challenging, and the job will give you an opportunity to use your skills and talent. The only problem is that the job requires you to move to a small town across the country. Consequently, you will be far away from your family and won’t be able to do your favorite activity. Would you take or leave the job?

2. You are being interviewed for a job in a prestigious firm. The question of salary comes up. The interviewer offers you $19,000, but you tell her that you cannot accept anything below $23,000.  Her offer would represent a salary cut for you (on your last job you earned $20,000). The interviewer explains that for an entry level position, company rules are that salary be $19,000. You feel that you are worth more and try to explain this. Finally, the interviewer says, “I cannot change company rules. Take or leave it”. You want the job. To go back to your demands would make you feel weak and cowardly. What would you do?

Learn more cases on your Business English Module, Page 44.

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