Materi dapat dilihat disini :modul amodul bmodul cmodul d Bahan Presentasi : File PPT BUSINESS ENGLISH1. Let’s have lunch on Thursday = Let’s _____________________ on Thursdaydo lunchluncheat lunch2. Generally speaking, a good manager ____________________ a smooth production process.ensuresmakes sureis sure3. Good time management skills are ____________________ ( = very important) to maintaining asmooth workflow.critiquecriticizedcritical4. I was […]


EFFECTIVE PRESENTATION The first important factor to be considered on presentation is TOPIC. The topic is divided into INTRODUCTION, BODY and CONCLUSION. THE INTRODUCTION consists of Greet the audiences –         Introduce yourself (name and registration number) –         Say thanks –         Mention your topic and the reason why you are interested in it. –         Main points […]


It natural, a public figure undergoes stage fright. A public figure can be presenter, master ceremony, lecturer, actor, etc. Stage fright means anxious feeling that causes doing any mistakes. It can be caused by unwell-preparation, less experience standing in front of people or less confidence. As a matter of fact, such feeling is natural. It […]


Take A look at the following essential notes 1.     Presentation means standing in front of people (audience) to give information. 2.     Presentation skill is a must for you as an intellectual people.  3.     In workplace, presentation skill is an essential requirement. Either a leader or a staff often makes presentation.  4.     There are two important factors on effective presentation. First, […]


Introduction Frankly speaking, some university students are not interested in graph. Probably, it is caused by two main reasons, namely: first, they do not realize the main function of graph, and second, the are unable to find out information in the graph. Actually, all kinds of graph function as sources of information. The information not […]


More Detailed About Reading English Passage As we have already discussed in the previous session that university students are expected to be able to comprehend English passages focusing on scientific writings. To do that you must possess a lot of vocabularies. One way you can apply to enrich vocabulary is by recording your voice then […]


Comprehending English passages is one main objective in learning English subject at university. Students are expected to acknowledge both general and specific English terms dealing with their majors. Moreover, as intellectual people, students must be able to comprehend any scientific writings such as: articles, textbooks, reports, journals, research papers, addition, the main capital to […]