I. What is Application Letter?

Application Letter is a means of communication used by an applicant to communicate with an employer. In other words, an applicant holds a conversation with an employer dealing with applying for a job vacancy. Generally, an applicant or job seeker can be an undergraduate, graduate or even a post-graduate.

II. Types of Application Letter

There are three types of application letter. First, application which is sent as a reply to advertisement. It means, a job seeker gets job vacancy from newspaper, radio, TV or website. Most working people get jobs through this way. Second, Application Letter which  is based on recommendation. Recommendation could be given by relatives, families or any other kinds of working people. Some employers prefer recommended Application Letter to a reply to advertisement. Third,  Application Letter which is sent by initiative of an applicant without advertisement or recommendation. In other words, a job seeker may send Application Letter anytime he wants even though the employer does not publish a job vacancy. In other words, a job seeker does not have any reason not to send Application Letter.

III. Parts Of Application Letter (Please learn your module page 25)

Remember, Application Letter does not apply letterhead, reference number and CC.

IV.  Some essential Notes about Application Letter

A. There are three important elements of Application Letter. They are the quality of paper, tone and its content.. The employer will make judgment about the applicant through these three items.

B. Application letter is not applying the job itself, but asking a job interview. That is why the content of Application Letter must be able to convince the employer that you are the right candidate to be given a chance for job interview.

C. It is suggested that Application Letter ideally consists of one page only. The reason is very simple. Employer is very busy. Therefore, s/he does not have enough time to read long application letter. In short, s/he is not interested to learn long application letter.

D. It is less polite to say thanks at the end of Application Letter. Remember, English people will say thanks if they get something. Sending Application Letter does not get something. We had better say thanks after receiving invitation for job interview from the employer.

V. Examples of application (Let you learn your module pages 26, 27)

VI. Writing CV or Resume

CV is recognized on British English whereas Resume on American English. The most important thing about CV or Resume is the whole information that you jot down in it must have added value. It means, if an employer looks at your CV or Resume, he will not hesitate anymore to let you have chance for job interview. (Please learn your module pages 28 – 31)

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