It natural, a public figure undergoes stage fright. A public figure can be presenter, master ceremony, lecturer, actor, etc. Stage fright means anxious feeling that causes doing any mistakes. It can be caused by unwell-preparation, less experience standing in front of people or less confidence. As a matter of fact, such feeling is natural. It may occur prior to your presentation or the moment you are making presentation.

There are three ways you can apply to overcome stage fright.

1. Deep breath. If stage fright appears on you, you can reduce it by taking deep breath. Remember taking breath on your nose is recommended rather than on your mouth.

2. Relaxation. Relaxation is also another way you can use to reduce anxiety. You can move onward, backward. left side or right side. Shaking head or hand is also effective to do relaxation.

3. Smiling or laughing. This is very helpful way to solve nervous feeling. The audience also give positive impression upon you if you keep on smiling especially during presentation.

Above all, the most important one to overcome stage fright is possessing self confidence. You may achieve it by practicing a lot.

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