1. The first important factor to be considered on presentation is TOPIC.
  2. The topic is divided into INTRODUCTION, BODY and CONCLUSION.
  3. THE INTRODUCTION consists of Greet the audiences

–         Introduce yourself (name and registration number)

–         Say thanks

–         Mention your topic and the reason why you are interested in it.

–         Main points of your presentation

–         Rule of game

Example :

Good afternoon everyone.

My name is…………and my registration number is………………. First of all, I want to say thanks to………., next I say thanks to all my friends who will follow my presentation. Today, I want to talk about……… I choose this topic because…………………. In the first part of my presentation, I will talk about……. Next I will describe about……… After that, I will explain about……….. Then I will move to ………….. Finally before I stop my presentation, I will take some conclusion. I will be happy if you ask me at the end of my presentation. Let me start.

Remember, introduction will give first impression about the speaker to the audiences.

Do not blame your audiences who interrupt you, because you forget to tell rule of game.

On final semester exam (UAS), you are free to determine rule of game. However, to answer any questions from the other students will have an advantage for the final grade.   On the other hand, to ask good question for the other speakers will add your final score.

It is easy to make questions, but it is difficult to ask them.

  1. What must you do on BODY?

–         Explain every main point in detail.

–         Give complete information.

–         If possible, support your explanation by telling some examples.

–         Spend most of your time in this part.

–         Focus on your title.

  1. How to take conclusion?

–         Remember, this is the most important information that you want to tell the audiences.

–         This is also the longest information remembered by all audiences.

–         There is no new information on conclusion.

–         Review the main point on body.

–         In avoiding any mistakes, you may provide the conclusions in notes on final semester exam.

  1. Another point about effective presentation is Slide Design.

–         Slide does not make presentation.

–         Slide is a visual aids used by a presenter to liven his presentation.

–         Remember, slide does not contain complete information about your title or sub-title.

–         Some presenters unconsciously let the visual aids take over their role as presenters.

–         It is not good to apply many slides on presentation.

–         For final semester exam, you are allowed to prepare two slides only, but one is recommended.

  1. The second factor on effective presentation is DELIVERY.
  2. Delivery comprises ‘EYE CONTACT’, ‘VOICE’, and POSTURE RELAXED’. For further information about delivery, please learn your Business English Module, page 53.
  3. Several graphs can be found in chapter five of your module. They are possible to topics on presentation.
  4.  It is common for a presenter to undergo stage fright. It may occur prior to or after presentation.
  5.  There are three common ways you can apply to overcome stage fright. They are: deep breathing, relaxation or laughing.
  6.  Be confident while standing in front of people. It is not necessary to think about doing any mistakes. Instead, you just keep on telling information systematically.
  7.  Never ask any apology for not being prepared. This may create a bad image upon you.
  8.  Practicing a lot may help you to be confident.

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