Materi belajar dapat dilihat disini :modul amodul bmodul cmodul d Bahan Presentasi : File PPT BUSINESS ENGLISH1. We need the board of directors to _____________ ( = support) this proposal.get inget upget behind2. I have to take Friday _____________. ( = I can’t come to work on Friday)awayofffree3. I had a _____________ convincing the CEO to […]


Bahan Presentasi : File PPT A farm is a great place to work. A farm is a great place to work. There are many different jobs to do on a farm, and farmers spend most of their time outside in the spring, summer, and fall. Winter is nice also if you don’t mind being outside when […]


Bahan Presentasi : File PPT WRITING TEST (QUESTIONS & ANSWER) QUIZ #1 – USING THE HELPING VERB “DO” IN THE PRESENT TENSE PART A (Questions) Directions: Complete each question with the correct form of the auxiliary verb and the main verb in the present tense. (10 points) 1. _______ she ________her job? (like) 2. ______ they […]


Bahan Presentasi : File PPT Donna and Bill had lunch together yesterday Donna and Bill had lunch together yesterday. They’re both in the same Spanish class, so after class was over, they went out to eat at a restaurant. Donna ordered a big plate of french fries and Bill ordered a hamburger. They shared a milkshake. […]


Bahan Presentasi : File PPT READING TEST (QUESTIONS & ANSWER) 1. Stan likes to ride his bike Stan likes to ride his bike. He rides to and from work every day, and he rides his bike on the weekend for recreation and fun. Sometimes he rides on a bike path, but more often he rides in […]


Bahan Presentasi : File PPT These are Lisa’s children. These are Lisa’s children. She has two daughters. Katie is eight and Cynthia is eleven. Both of Lisa’s children like to play in the snow, so Lisa took her children sledding today. Katie is sitting on a sled. She’s ready to go down the hill. There’s some […]


Materi dapat dilihat disini :modul amodul bmodul cmodul d Bahan Presentasi : File PPT BUSINESS ENGLISH1. We _____________ ( = finished) this contract last month.completedcomplicatedcomplimented2. You have $100 _____________ ( = that you have to pay) on your account.outlandishoutstandingoutspoken3. I had a _____________ convincing the CEO to support my proposal.hard timebad luckhard luck4. I learned from […]


Bahan Presentasi : File PPT READING TEST (QUESTIONS & ANSWER) 1. Stan likes to ride his bike Stan likes to ride his bike. He rides to and from work every day, and he rides his bike on the weekend for recreation and fun. Sometimes he rides on a bike path, but more often he rides in […]


Bahan Presentasi : File PPT Fish farming Reading A pair work Discuss these questions. Then read article, and check your answers. What do you think the title of the article means? What is a fish farm? What is the meaning of trangenics? Answer: I think the title of the article is Seafood that never sees of […]


Bahan Presentasi : File PPT READING TEST (QUESTIONS & ANSWER) 1. Stan likes to ride his bike Stan likes to ride his bike. He rides to and from work every day, and he rides his bike on the weekend for recreation and fun. Sometimes he rides on a bike path, but more often he rides in […]